A new wave of enthusiasm - SEAM's 2024 Summer Interns

3 minutes
July 1, 2024
This summer, SEAM welcomes a new group of talented and driven summer interns. These seven individuals, each bringing unique skills and fresh perspectives, are eager to contribute to SEAM's cutting-edge solutions and sustainable technologies. Let’s meet the interns making waves this year.

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Bridging Academia and Innovation at SEAM

Magnus Djuve Vågen: Powering the Future

Magnus Djuve Vågen, a bachelor’s student in Electrical Power Engineering from HVL, has already made a significant impact. He joined SEAM's Technical Power Department for the summer after completing his bachelor's thesis. Magnus’s work this summer focuses on short-circuit calculations and VC system simulations.

He is delving into the intricacies of power electronics, especially in converting energy to power electric and hybrid vessels. His hands-on experience in the workshop has provided him with invaluable insights into SEAM's innovative technology.

Magnus is passionate about contributing to green technology and sustainable solutions. His work aligns with SEAM’s commitment to pioneering ammonia and hydrogen technologies, which he finds particularly exciting. Magnus aspires to further his studies with a master’s in industrial economics and technology management starting this fall.

Magnus has joined SEAM's Technical Power Department for the summer. Image: SEAM

Alfred Indrehus: Driving AI and Automation

Alfred Indrehus, a civil engineering student at NTNU, brings his expertise in engineering science and ICT to SEAM. As part of the Sildikon Valley program, Alfred is working on an AI chatbot to enhance SEAM’s internal systems and is conducting research on battery condition monitoring using machine learning.

It was Alfred’s interest in AI and automation that drew him to SEAM, along with the innovative and forward-thinking environment.

His work this summer not only aims to improve operational efficiencies but also explores new frontiers in maritime technology. With one year left in his studies, Alfred is exploring future work avenues, and is appreciating the supportive and dynamic workplace culture that encourages interaction and collaboration here at SEAM.

Alfred Indrehus is working on an AI-project at SEAM, through the Sildikon Valley program. Image: SEAM

Rising Stars in SEAM’s Internship Program

Oddvar Larsen: Exploring New Horizons

Fresh from his high school graduation, Oddvar Larsen is exploring the practical side of technology at SEAM. Working in the warehouse, he supports the team by managing parts and gaining hands-on experience with SEAM’s logistics solutions. Oddvar is considering future studies in economics and management, with a potential interest in the maritime industry.

David Meistad: Embracing Maritime Automation

David Meistad, who will start his apprenticeship in automation this fall, has been honing his skills by making cables and learning about SEAM’s automation processes. His prior placement experience at SEAM has solidified his interest in maritime automation, a field he finds both challenging and rewarding.

Tomas Sund: Energizing the Workplace

Tomas Sund brings enthusiasm and a passion for his field of electrical engineering to SEAM. Alongside his technical tasks, Tomas has taken on the unofficial role of coffee manager, adding a touch of camaraderie to the team. He envisions a future in the maritime industry, inspired by SEAM’s positive environment and innovative projects.

Brage Mortvedt Skåleskog: Setting Sail in Electrical Engineering

Starting his apprenticeship in electrical engineering this August, Brage Mortvedt Skåleskog is eager to dive into maritime electrical systems. His previous work placements at SEAM have fueled his ambition to work with advanced marine power systems.

Anna Koch: Anchoring Her Future in Maritime Technology

Anna Koch, set to begin her apprenticeship in electrical engineering with us in the fall, has long aspired to work at SEAM. Her excitement about the maritime industry and SEAM’s unique projects makes her an enthusiastic addition to the team. Anna looks forward to deepening her knowledge and contributing to SEAM's innovative solutions.

A Bright Future at SEAM

These seven interns represent the next generation of maritime innovation. Their diverse backgrounds and shared passion for technology and sustainability embody SEAM’s commitment to leading the way in maritime solutions. We are thrilled to have this enthusiastic and talented group on board and look forward to each of their contributions over the summer and beyond.

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